Why Massage is a Winter Must

Cold weather can bring on many aches and pains and it's also the time of year where colds and flus spread like wildfire. The benefits of massage therapy during winter should not be overlooked, and may be exactly what you need to make it through the harsh MN winter.

Boosts Your Immune System
Tis the season of sniffles, but massage can help by boosting your immune system through increasing the lymph flow. Regular massages can help boost your energy and also make it easier for your body to fight off infections.

Combats Seasonal Aches & Pains
Cold weather can bring on many discomforts such as arthritis, but massage therapy can help by increasing circulation to muscles, joints, and organs. Improved circulation increases body warmth, provides healthier blood pressure levels, and increases the flow of oxygen throughout the body.

Bye-Bye Winter Blues
MN winters are known to be dark and long and that can certainly effect your mood. It is common for people to experience depression and anxiety during this time of year. Massage is known to decrease cortisol levels and increase oxytocin levels leading to the release of serotonin and endorphins, relieving the stress and enhancing your mood.

Helps Dry Skin
As the humidity drops in winter, the cold, dry air makes the water in your skin evaporate quicker, making your skin drier. The oils and lotions used in massage contain lots of vitamins to nourish & hydrate your skin while also making it oh-so-soft.